
Sunday, February 22, 2009

a website covers all about webhosting

Do you want to setup a real website? Are you tired of those often-down free web hosting service? Oh, yes, you want shift to something more stable, and you know 1&1, maybe you are good and know about GoDaddy as well. But, do you know they are not the cheapest one? Do you know there are other terms like setup fee, disk space, data transfer, and money back time, etc?

Anyway, all these are going to be extremely easy with It is a free research guide to help users choose the right web host for their personal or business site. With it, you save very much of your precious time to look for a suitable and cheap webhosting plan as it offers a wide range selection of webhosting service. In addition, they have created a learning area where they explain the basics of web hosting. From a quick start guide that will have you on your way to creating a web site to our FAQ page where they try to answer your most common questions about web hosts.

Try it to believe. =)

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Canon launches 5D MarkII fullHD | 首款全高清視頻全幅 佳能5DMarkII震撼發布

自從第一款可以拍視頻的數碼單反尼康D90出來之後,大家都抱著看好戲的心理猜想佳能下一步棋會怎麽走。今天,這場好戲突如其來的上演,佳能正式發布5D全幅單反的後繼機型——5D Mark II,該機以擁有全高清1920×1080分辨率30fps的視頻錄制能力,而成為史上第一款HD全高清視頻的全畫幅數碼單反相機!

除了擁有最新潮的視頻功能,佳能5D Mark II新全幅也趕上了高像素風潮,將全幅CMOS傳感器升級到了2100萬像素,感光度為ISO100-6400(通過擴展可高達ISO100-25600),並且采用更先進的佳能DIGIC 4圖像處理芯片,在降噪方面擁有比之前產品更優秀的性能。此外,新全幅還搭載一塊目前最高水準的3英寸92萬像素液晶顯示屏,可視角度達到 170°。值得一提的是,5D Mark II相比老前輩擁有更小的機身,進一步提高了便攜性了。

在對焦方面,EOS 5D Mark II只提供9個對焦點6個輔助對焦點,而連拍速度也只有3.9fps,雖然規格沒有太多驚喜,但5D Mark II的價格要是足夠便宜的話,還是會有很很強的吸引力的。根據官方提供的預售價,5D Mark II單機價格為2699美元,折合人民幣約18500元。


酷評:繼Nikon D90之後,有一個可以攝影的DSLR,很好很好,讓暴風雨來的更猛烈些吧,呵呵。

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

解析度 480 x 800 的 HTC Touch HD 流出!

HTC 又有大作流出了!下面那款叫做 HTC Touch HD,聽名字就知道系出何門,全觸控的螢幕解析度據說達 480 x 800,大小未知,作業系統為 WinMo 6.1,同樣在上面覆蓋了 TouchFLO 3D,核心為 Qualcomm 7201、時脈在 528MHz。


酷評:真搞不懂,HTC老出這樣的東西做什麽?連鍵盤都沒有,搞的跟半成品似的,出來跟誰拼?另外,Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1終於敲定9月30日發售,第一波上市的地區是瑞士、德國以及英國。至於其他地區的發售日則是到年底,看來我們要等到年底了。

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