
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

CFO of Microsoft said: time to finish | 微軟CFO:現在該和雅虎作個了斷了 靜待本周發展

微軟首席財務官Chris Liddell對公司員工表示,現在該和雅虎作個了斷了。

他的談話內容與25日的分析師會議差不多,也呼應微軟首席執行官Steve Ballmer上周在歐洲行程的發言,基本上,這件事情的進展不夠快。







酷評:有點意思的一個新聞發布,文中提到了“放棄”,給人感覺好像是找臺階,又說人家“有興趣”,潛臺詞會不會是說“我們microsoft提了一個好意見,可是yahoo管理層不為別人著想,那我們也不好強人所難了...”anyway,反正都說了time to end this,那就再等等吧。

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

HTC Diamond and Raphael = Touch Diamond & Touch Pro

Paul over at MoDaCo not only has the quite lovely features but also their launch names:

HTC Diamond = HTC Touch Diamond
HTC Raphael = HTC Touch Pro
HTC Titanium = HTC Touch Dual Pro

That latter one we haven’t heard much about but evidently it’s the updated version of the current Touch Dual, which makes sense if they are refreshing the regular Touch. The Titanium/Touch Dual Pro is speculated to have that current slider dial pad but otherwise keeps the Touch Pro’s specs.

And what are those specs for the Touch Pro (Raphael) and Touch Diamond? Lets just say please make sure you are currently sitting down before you click that "read more" link!


Now it's unclear if all of these specs will be in the CDMA versions, as features like FM radio can be disabled, etc. But here is what we know about the Touch Diamond & Raphael:

Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
Qualcomm MSM 7201A @ 528MHz
256MB ROM / 128MB RAM
7.2MB HSDPA / HSUPA (rev A EVDO for Sprint versions)
2.8" VGA screen
Bluetooth 2.0 with EDR
3.1MP Camera with flash
Forward facing camera
4GB internal flash storage (Diamond only) - Samsung MoviNAND
TV out (Raphael only)
Orientation sensor (a-la-iPhone)
FM Radio
microSD expansion
900mAh battery (!!!)
Diamond: 51x99x10.7mm
Raphael: 51x99x17mm

What is eGPS you ask? Talk about cutting edge, this stuff was just officially announced by the UK company CSR in February. Basically it’s like aGPS but better. Way better. (In fairness, Qualcomm has their gpsOneXTRA to compete)

A typical eGPS push-to-fix will be available in less than 4 seconds, accurate to within 10 meters and require the equivalent power of less than 1 second of handset talk time.

It works indoors, when the device is powered down, uses less battery, acquires the sat signal faster and works globally. Holla! And did you see that mention of 4gb internal flash storage on the HTC Diamond (but not Raphael?)

We guess the only downside is possibly that wimpy 900mah (!) battery though with such new technology, it’s a bit premature to suggest that these will necessarily be battery hogs. Lets hope not!

Oh and yeah…there will be GSM versions of all of these too, in fact they may be coming out very soon ;-)



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Monday, April 28, 2008

FEI Receives Award for Titan S/TEM at Nano Tech 2008 in Japan

PORTLAND, Ore., Mar 19, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- FEI Company (Nasdaq: FEIC) today announced that its Titan(TM) 80-300 S/TEM (scanning/transmission electron microscope), the world's most powerful commercially available microscope, was honored with the award for technical excellence in evaluation and measurement at Nano Tech 2008, February 13-15 in Tokyo, Japan. The award recognizes both innovative technology and the contributions the Titan S/TEM has enabled in nanotechnology research.

According to Professor Tomoji Kawai, chairman, Nano Tech Executive Committee, "FEI has been a major contributor to the science of nanotechnology since its inception. The introduction of aberration-corrected TEM is a major breakthrough that gives scientists the ability to directly visualize nanostructures with Sub-Angstrom imaging resolution. A new model with high resolution EELS (electron energy loss spectroscopy) that can provide analytical results with the same high resolution has also been put into practical use."

"The Titan S/TEM's sub-Angstrom resolution, along with its stability, reliability and ease of use, have helped scientists discover new relationships between structure and properties that are driving development at the nanoscale," said Koyo Iwasaki, FEI Japan's country director who accepted the award for FEI. "This award from one of the world's premier nanotechnology conferences highlights the significance of the Titan platform to nanoscience."

Unlike conventional S/TEMs, which require complex computational procedures to reconstruct high resolution images, the Titan S/TEM's aberration-corrected electron optics provides directly interpretable image resolution at the atomic scale. Its proven ability to deliver unparalleled results has made it the preferred S/TEM of leading researchers around the world. In addition to the Titan 80-300 platform, introduced in 2005, the Titan product family now also includes the Titan Krios(TM) platform for cryo-TEM, and the Titan3(TM) 80-300 S/TEM, which is environmentally hardened to reduce facility costs.


酷評:If Si-O bond length is something like 2.*A, then tell me what is so-called Sub-Angstrom imaging? what the hell are you imaging? quark?~~~ anyway, I found this on Fei's website, please tell me if you know that stupid rotating stuff...

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Earnings Show Microsoft Needs Yahoo

During a speech in Milan Apr. 23, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said he's prepared to walk away from the company's takeover offer for Yahoo!, which has rebuffed the advances. Not so fast, Microsoft. Quarterly results reported the following day reinforce why Microsoft (MSFT) could use the growth Yahoo (YHOO) would provide.

Microsoft posted an 11% drop in profit and flat sales for the quarter ended Mar. 31. Microsoft relied on overseas operations and sales from smaller divisions to offset weakness in its flagship PC products. "It wasn't a spectacular quarter by any means," says Brent Thill, director of software research at Citigroup (C).

Profit Declines, Revenue Flat
Sales had been unusually high a year earlier, when Microsoft booked $1.6 billion in revenue from previously sold coupons for its new Windows Vista operating system and a new version of its Office productivity suite. Fiscal third-quarter profit fell to
$4.41 billion, or 47¢ a share, from $4.93 billion, or 50¢ a share. Revenue was little changed at $14.45 billion, according to results released after the close of trading on Apr. 24. Analysts had expected per-share earnings of 44¢ on sales of $14.49 billion.

Excluding the benefit from the coupons, third-quarter sales would have risen 14%, Microsoft said. And the results would have been even worse if not for a 68% increase in sales in the company's Xbox division, a strong performance from the group that makes corporate server software, and the strength of Microsoft's international business, which accounts for 60% of sales.

Equally troublesome, Microsoft said this quarter's per-share profit would be 45¢ to 48¢, compared with a Wall Street consensus estimate of 48¢, says Charles Di Bona, a senior equity analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein. The earnings follow two quarters of strong gains in sales and profits.

Economic and Competitive Worries

Chief Financial Officer Chris Liddell, during an Apr. 24 conference call with investors, said Microsoft's diverse range of markets and products have kept its business healthy amid a weakening U.S. economy. Still, the results raised concern about the company's ability to continue weathering the slump, especially in light of rising competition from Google (GOOG), which controls the market for ads pegged to online searches, and is encroaching into Microsoft's markets with online software for e-mail, productivity, and other applications. What's more, investors took the results as a sign Microsoft isn't selling copies of Windows Vista as fast as the PC market is growing, and sold Microsoft shares in extended trading. The stock fell $1.58, or about 5%, after closing the day up 35¢, or about 1%, at 31.80.

Microsoft went public with a $31-a-share takeover bid for Yahoo Feb. 1 to try to close the gap with Google. But it has been unable to negotiate a deal and has threatened to take its appeal directly to shareholders if Yahoo doesn't capitulate by Apr. 26. Citigroup's Thill says Microsoft could raise its offer by $1 or $2 per share to close the deal, but adds Yahoo is holding out for perhaps $5 to $10 more. Even a combined Microsoft and Yahoo would be hard-pressed to eclipse Google in the online ad market, he says: "There's still a runaway train they're trying to catch. And they are two little trains trying to hook up."

Liddell said he's reluctant to offer more for Yahoo: "The strongest argument that we should increase our bid—simply because we can afford to—is not one that I favor." But the protracted takeover battle hasn't helped Microsoft's share price. A 30% second-quarter sales increase (, 1/25/08) that Microsoft reported on Jan. 24 cheered investors. Since then, Microsoft shares have fallen by 4.4%, compared with a 2.7% gain for the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index.

Meanwhile, other tech-sector bellwethers have turned in upbeat reports and forecasts. Intel (INTC) shares have rallied 8.5% since Apr. 15, when the world's largest chipmaker issued a positive revenue forecast for the second quarter and predicted healthy profit margins for the year. Shares of IBM (IBM) are 3% higher after the computer concern beat expectations for first-quarter profits on Apr. 16 and raised its 2008 earnings forecast. And Apple (AAPL) shares gained 4% on Apr. 24 after the company reported a 36% increase in second-quarter profits.

Vexing Vista Sales
Microsoft's results were hurt by slower sales of Windows Vista, introduced a little more than a year ago. Revenue in Microsoft's client division fell 24% during the quarter, to $4.03 billion. Even after accounting for the effect of the coupons last year, client revenue fell 2%. Microsoft's Chief Accounting Officer Frank Brod says the product suffered from a tough comparison to the March quarter of last year, when it launched Windows Vista. But many consumers and businesses have continued buying the older Windows XP system, and Ballmer has hinted he might extend sales past a proposed June 30 cutoff date.

The weakness in Vista sales was especially vexing given the overall strength of the PC market, analysts said. Market researcher IDC recently reported worldwide PC sales rose a stronger than usual 14.6% in the first quarter. Getting Vista and its Office 2007 suite onto as many of those machines as possible will be an engine of growth in coming quarters, and Microsoft's Brod says the sales dip was temporary.

Indeed, the 2009 fiscal year that starts on July 1 looks stronger. Microsoft said it expects $66.9 billion to $68 billion in sales, and earnings of $2.13 to $2.19 per share for the year. Analysts had expected a forecast of $66.47 billion in sales and earnings of $2.11 per share in 2009.

Compelled to Reach an Agreement?

Still, Microsoft remains weak in key areas. The online services division continues to bleed red ink. The group, which sells ads associated with Web searches and other online software, widened its loss to $228 million, compared with $171 million a year ago, though revenues grew 40%, to $843 million. Yahoo reported first-quarter sales on Apr. 22 of $1.35 billion that slightly beat Wall Street's expectations.

Ballmer said Yahoo's results won't cause Microsoft to raise its offer. Yet the two companies may be compelled to hammer out an agreement soon. Microsoft is feeling the pressure from investors—UBS (UBS) analyst Heather Bellini wrote in an Apr. 17 research note that completing the deal is key to capturing a chunk of future online advertising revenue from Google. She noted: "Microsoft must get this acquisition right to remain relevant in the Internet age."


酷評:still are not able to see any good that will come out after the acquisition. Yahoo is making money, yes, but really that great? it is actually
all come from alibaba's contribution. Microsoft is desperate to be relevant to the internet age, however, do they know two loser is not going to be better than a winner? anyway, the so called deadline is coming. tomorrow, let's enjoy the show.

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Qimonda will be a hard sell | 奇夢達,樹倒眾人推

How do you sell something nobody wants?

That's the problem facing Infineon Technologies AG as it tries to find a buyer for its 77.5 percent stake in memory IC manufacturer Qimonda. Private equity investors aren't interested in Qimonda, according to Infineon CEO Wolfgang Ziebart, because the company's cash flow isn't attractive enough.

Infineon could distribute Qimonda shares to its investors, but stockholders might not be so receptive to that idea. Qimonda's stock price has fallen in recent weeks to a low of $3.04 from the 52-week high $17.29. Investors might not want to be saddled with additional shares in Qimonda because management may need them to chip in if cash runs low.

So, Infineon has been talking with other DRAM suppliers, according to Ziebart. Reports say those talks include Micron Technology, Elpida and Hynix. One of them might be interested in taking Qimonda just to gain access to its technology, plants and engineers.

The options available to Infineon aren't that many, and most of these would probably result in a book loss of its investment in Qimonda.

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is headed in the same direction if the company's top executives continue to drag their feet on a reorganization and implementing an asset-smart manufacturing strategy floated last year. AMD's stock price is sinking again—it fell back to $5.96 on Tuesday (April 22) after initially pulling back from a 52-week low of $5.31; the one-year high was $16.19.

Today, AMD's long-term debt ($5 billion) far exceeds the company's market value of approximately $3.61 billion. The company's revenue is growing, though, and it is now rolling out products that can halt rival Intel Corp.'s share gains. Still, AMD is in a financial crisis, one it must resolve before events force a fire sale of the company.

Like Qimonda, it may not have many takers.



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Thursday, April 24, 2008

trick to integrate AdSense or other Javascript into blogger template | 在blogger/blogspot模版中添加adsense,adbrite等html/javascript代碼

好不容易弄到了個adsense的賬號,可是難道就只能按照blogger layout裏面指示的,只把廣告放在兩段文章之間?或是丟在上下左右一些根本不會有人去看的地方?答案當然是否定的,只是需要一些技巧,不然,估計你就會像我開始一樣,在edit html裏加了ad code代碼,可是就是看不到廣告的出現~~~


首先,備份模版,英文叫backup template!

其次,備份模版,英文叫backup template!

再次,还是備份模版,英文叫backup template!



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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

yahoo did well in Q1, 2008 | 雅虎Q1凈利潤5.42億美元飆升3倍 阿裏巴巴是功臣












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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

EOS 5D Mark II Displayed on Canon Germany Website | 德國網站洩出Canon EOS 5D Mark II訊息?

5D Mark II出現的謠言總沒少過,畢竟5D也出了頗久的時間,攝影愛好者等得也夠久啦。在德國的Canon網站,突然放出了相關訊息。還被網友抓圖放大。雖然不懂德文,但可以看得到重點規格為16MP的CMOS,採用DIGIC III引擎。

這次到底是不是要出5D Mark II呢?不管啦,反正總有水落石出的一天。先來看看之前提到的傳說規格,除了16MP DIGIC III之外,還有以下:

‧14 ibt RAW
‧Live View
‧4-5 FPS



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Monday, April 21, 2008

The New Alexa Rankings

We've been working hard behind the scenes for several months and are excited to announce that our new Alexa Rankings system is available.

When Alexa began displaying rankings in 1998 it was with the goal of showing Alexa Toolbar users how popular any given site was within the Alexa community. We generated the rankings through an analysis of Internet usage by people who use the Alexa Toolbar. Since that time we've been delighted to see that the Alexa Rankings have become a yardstick by which website popularity is measured. We are grateful to the thousands of people who come to each day to check the Alexa Rankings.

In recent months we've heard from our Alexa users that understanding Internet usage beyond Alexa Toolbar users was increasingly of interest. Ask and you shall receive!

We listened to your suggestions, and we believe that our new rankings system is much closer to what you asked for. We now aggregate data from multiple sources to give you a better indication of website popularity among the entire population of Internet users.

You gave us many other suggestions as well, and we are working hard to implement them. We won't tell any secrets just yet, but you can expect to see new features rolled out over the coming weeks and months.

Below are a few common questions we anticipate from the Alexa community, along with our answers.

My site's ranking has changed. Was it wrong before?

Your ranking wasn't wrong before, but it was different. Alexa toolbar users' interests and surfing habits could differ from those of the general population in a number of ways, and we described some of those possible differences on our website. While the vast majority of sites' rankings were unaffected by such differences, we've worked hard on our new ranking system to adjust for situations in which they could matter.

The new rankings should better reflect the interests and surfing habits of the broader population of Web users.

Why are the long range graphs gone? I can only get 9 months of historical data.
We are recalculating historic traffic data and will continue to add it over the coming weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience, but should have several years of data back on line shortly.

Will you change the rankings again?
We are constantly working to ensure that we provide the most useful data that we can. We will continue to fine tune our algorithms but don't foresee any additional big changes. If you think something is amiss please let us know.

I liked the old rankings better. Are they still available somewhere?
We liked the old rankings as well. However, we developed the new system in response to the huge number of requests we got from users like you, and now that it's done we like it even better. We hope you will too.

We think that having more than one ranking system at a time would be confusing, so we have removed the old rankings.

Do you want to know what I think about this?

Definitely. We've been collecting suggestions and ideas for months now, and would love to hear more. If you have thoughts on what we've done so far, or ideas on what we should do next, please share them with us.


酷評:"My site's ranking has changed. Was it wrong before?"我看肯定是現在的錯了啦,眼看著這個website好不容易進了6位數,有機會再次對那個流量圖發起沖擊的時候,居然一晃掉到2M以外,實在是~~~不過話說回來,這個也就是大家娛樂一下,沒必要當真。不過,如果alexa要真想把它做好,可以公布一下各個排名的條件,並加以說明,這樣才比較professional一點嘛,你說是不?

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Friday, April 18, 2008

MS might increase the biding price by 10% for Yahoo | 微軟收購雅虎價格可提高10% 不會惹火股東










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Thursday, April 17, 2008

IBM alliance claims 32-nm high-k metal gate advance

IBM and its partners in the race to develop and ship high-k dielectrics and metal gates for the 32-nm node have officially revealed their process and are claiming they can now outperform the rest of the industry in performance and power consumption.

The group — which includes Infineon Technologies AG , ST Microelectronics NV, Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing, Freescale , Samsung Electronics and Toshiba Corporation — demonstrated their performance breakthrough on silicon manufactured at IBM's 300-mm semiconductor fab in East Fishkill, NY.

They claim the circuits had, on average, 35 per cent better performance than 45-nm technology circuits at the same operating voltage. The 32-nm also consumed between 30 to 50 per cent less power than the 45-nm, with respect to operating voltage.

The group also said testing on product library test chip and industry standard microprocessor critical paths has shown performance improvements of up to 40 percent over conventional (Poly/SiON) technology at the same technology dimensions.

The companies said the technology will be available to IBM and its alliance partners in the second half of 2009 and said its customers and clients can start designing devices using the process immediately.

High-k and metal gates are key building blocks for scaling and enabling the next-generation transistor. But the technologies' complexity raises questions about whether foundries can ramp production with high-k materials and metal gates in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Vice president for IBM's Semiconductor Research and Development Center, Gary Patton, said that the latest results show that "as our collective client base moves to next-generation technology by using the 'gate-first' approach, they will continue to maintain a significant competitive advantage."

Rival foundry Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. is quietly readying its own high-k/metal gate technology but has not announced a timetable for release. TSMC has said its general 32-nm process is slated for "risk production" by the third or fourth quarter of 2009.

IBM says that silicon support for low-power 32-nm HKMG technology will be available in the third quarter of 2008, and that the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering has just completed feasibility results showing that the process can also be extended to 22nm.

Other leading-edge foundries, including Fujitsu, Semiconductor International Manufacturing Corp. (SMIC), Toshiba and United Microelectronics Corp. (UMC), are separately developing high-k/metal-gate solutions. Thus far, only Intel Corp. and NEC Electronics Inc. have announced they are shipping logic devices equipped with high-k materials. Intel is shipping processors based on high-k and metal gates at the 45-nm node. NEC has delivered ASICs based on high-k at 55 nm. In January 2007, the IBM alliance used high-k/metal gate in a portion of the transistor that controls its primary on/off switching function, and this is what lead to the development of the smaller, faster, and more power-efficient 32-nm circuitry.

Director of Process Technology at Freescale, Dirk Wrister, noted that " this early design and modeling work indicates that the high-k/metal gate technology is going to deliver a significant product and performance differentiation. These early results are a significant step in the demonstration of high-k/metal gate viability in 32nm technology."


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酷評:HKMG is finally coming into the picture with IBM's process. Some more, it looks like TSMC is behind the schedule, at least "looks like" from the article. So, may it be a turning point for the semi industry? TSMC is in the lead for way too long, let's wait and see whether there is another big guy step out or maybe even a "semi-PEC" forming... For those who are not very familiar with the terms, this basically means the tech and performance is booting up and start to save the money for the next generation gadgets!

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sony KDL-XBR6, KDL-XBR7, and KDL-XBR8 specs, and release dates!

What could possibly be better than your 52 inch Sony XBR5 TV? The XBR6, XBR7, and XBR8, of course! If there was any doubt about Sony’s seriousness with the XBR line, we can safely put that to rest right now. We’ve just got a hold of the product roadmap for this year, in addition to full spec sheets on the XBR6, XBR7 and the XBR8. The XBR6 and XBR7 lineup isn’t the most interesting compared to the current models, with modest upgrades like DLNA compliance, TV Guide IPG, "Enhanced" XMB interface, and now BRAVIA Sync capability. Also they sport four HDMI ports instead of three while still keeping both component inputs. There’s also a PC input as well, but it looks like the TVs shed the standard RCA inputs. Then again, will we really miss them?

Here’s where the XBR8 gets really exciting though — TRILUMINOS RGB LED backlight! Yes! That’s what we’re talkin’ about, folks. In addition to the LED backlighting, Sony has thrown in their "Advanced Contrast Enhancer PRO", the new BRAVIA Engine 2 PRO, and all of the other features the XBR6 and XBR7 have. Excited yet? We’re foaming at the mouth. Now you may ask, BG, when can we buy one? Here’s where the roadmap comes into play:

There are a bunch of XBR models coming soon, and that also includes a 32" model as well as a 37" one, too. It looks like we’ll see the KDL-32XBR6 around the middle of May and the KDL-37XBR6 around the middle of July. Also, the KDL-46XBR8 will be launching in August. In September and October, the rest of the other models are set to be released. These include the KDL-40XBR6, KDL-46XBR6, KDL-52XBR6, KDL-40XBR7, KDL-70XBR7, and finally the KDL-52XBR8. Hit the jump for the full spec sheets and roadmap!

出處/From:[The Boy Genius report]

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酷評:搞什麽搞,不要老出新品嘛,這下頭疼了。不過據我上次的調查,還是sharp好一些。雖說sharp出過很多的屁事(像臺灣屏啦),有很多的問題(產能不足,技術落後什麽的),可是至少他現在的屏不晃眼。你總不會想要個看著眼睛難受的電視吧?所以,相信我,沒錯的!(註:以上均為個人對BEST, Courts,Harvey Norman及IT shows上各品牌樣機的感覺)

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

AOL join the party of buying Yahoo with MS | “微軟購虎”上演5方博弈 倒計時AOL進入圖








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Monday, April 14, 2008

Analysis: Is the ST, NXP wireless JV the start of IDM break-up?

The move by STMicroelectronics NV and NXP BV, two of Europe's leading semiconductor companies, to merge their wireless businesses, giving ST an 80 percent ownership of the resulting JV while NXP — left with 20 percent stake — is enriched to the tune of $1.55 billion, is a radical step.

But it is likely not be the last. Creating fine-grained, fabless, niche-market champions has become the name of the semiconductor game.

But the move begs many questions about the way forward for European semiconductor companies and for integrated device manufacturers (IDMs) in general. We could be witnessing the next stage in the triumph of the fabless over the fabbed.

Some of those questions have already been raised by Joseph Borel, a former executive vice president in central research and development at ST, who recently sent a 12-page proposal to the French government calling for the consolidation of Infineon Technologies, NXP and ST into a European champion chip company.

One can argue that Borel is old school. Borel's call for the creation of a champion that aggregates everything that moves in semiconductors in Europe and holds on tight to manufacturing and manufacturing R&D was criticized by analysts for overvaluing size and seeing economies of scale where they no longer exist.


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Friday, April 11, 2008

Nokia's first touch S60 phone | 這...Nokia 的全觸控操作手機 Tube?

所以,那個傳了很久的 Nokia 觸控手機,最近冒出來個名字 Tube 的傢伙終於現身了?至少 Symbian-Freak 是跟大家這樣說的。

不過他據說只會是 Nokia 的第一隻 S60 全觸控手機,但是並不會把他拿出來賣,而是要在推出後不久,再丟出一顆更強的震撼彈,緩兵之計?總之這隻手機將會有 3 吋或是 3.5 吋的 16:9 螢幕,同時還有個比 iPhone 更好、但略遜於自家 N 系列手機的相機。

手機支援四頻 GSM/EDGE、UMTS/HSDPA,內建藍牙、WiFi,支援 uPnP 跟觸控筆,另外 GPS 模組當然也是不可少的;沒有多重觸控功能,但是有觸控力回饋;大小比 N73 小一點、寬一點,同時因為貼上的 XpressMedia 招牌,所以多媒體功能應該也是強項。

就...各位先 "參考" 一下吧!


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Thursday, April 10, 2008

DELL's Flagship Online Shop on TaoBao | 戴爾在淘寶建首個"戴爾淘寶官方旗艦店"




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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Quake 3 on iPod Touch | iPod touch上玩Quake 3,支援網路對戰

這可能會開啟下一代掌上播放器的新紀元,顯然在一個支援多重觸控式螢幕以及方向感應上的播放器玩Quake 3是多麼刺激的一件事情。之前有所預感,已經為止垂涎許久,現在我們可以看到兩個iPod touch可以網路對戰,這的確是一個不錯的體驗,或許不久我們就得到更多如何安裝的訊息了。

出處/From:[PMP Today]

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酷評:what can i say? 實在是太神奇了。這麽發展下去,基本上筆記本電腦都可以淘汰了。哦耶,終於夢想成真咯。^_^

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A.M.D., Citing a Slowdown, to Cut 1650 Jobs

SAN FRANCISCO — Advanced Micro Devices said it would cut about 1,650 workers — about 10 percent of its work force — because of deteriorating business conditions across its units around the globe.

The layoffs may be one of the first signs in Silicon Valley of an economic slowdown that has already affected other industries in the United States. As recently as December, many Silicon Valley executives were stating that they believed that high technology industries would be saved from a downturn.

Several analysts said that A.M.D., based in Sunnyvale, Calif., was facing problems largely because of a resurgent Intel, the world’s largest chip maker. A.M.D. lost market share to Intel last year and has also delayed shipping a new line of microprocessors, though it has said it has worked out those problems.

“I think this is mostly about A.M.D.,” said Martin Reynolds, a vice president at the Gartner Group, a market research firm. “I don’t think the tech economy has gone in the tank yet, but we will be watching closely as firms report in the coming weeks.”

There are some signs of a slowdown among tech companies. Intel has said weaker pricing for NAND flash memory would affect its profit margins. And on Monday, iSuppli, a market research firm, said it cut its forecast for the global NAND flash memory market. It expects revenue will grow 9 percent in 2008, a sharp revision from its earlier prediction of 27 percent growth. ISuppli blamed weaker consumer spending. It singled out less demand for flash memory from Apple, maker of iPods and iPhones, and SanDisk, the single biggest buyer of flash memory.

A.M.D. makes chips for computers and servers and has a minority stake in the flash memory maker Spansion.

A.M.D. also revised downward its financial guidance to Wall Street analysts, stating that it expects its revenue for the first quarter, which ended on March 29, to be about $1.5 billion. That is an increase of 22 percent over the first quarter of 2007 but a 15 percent decline from the previous quarter. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial had forecast higher quarterly revenue, at $1.62 billion.

The company said it had not yet estimated the revamping charge it planned to take as a result of the new round of layoffs, which a spokesman said would take place before the beginning of September. A.M.D. said that it would offer details when it reported first-quarter financial results on April 17. Analysts have estimated a net loss of $263 million, or 42 cents a share.

The company, which has its most advanced factory in Dresden, Germany, and other offices in Austin, Tex., has about 16,800 employees.


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酷評:先是qimonda,接著micronmicron,現在AMD,大家都得頂住呀。還有那個什麽“磚”家 Martin Reynolds,整天講屁話,什麽watch close,是不是只會騙三歲小孩呀?

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Monday, April 7, 2008

MS's ultimatum to buy Yahoo | 微軟向雅虎發出最後通牒 三周不談判將開打代理戰











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Friday, April 4, 2008

Micron, Hynix push out NAND fabs

SAN JOSE, Calif. — A downturn in the NAND flash market is forcing many vendors to cut production or delay their fabs.

Micron Technology Inc. has pushed out the production of a proposed fab in Singapore, while rival Hynix Semiconductor Inc. plans to cut NAND production. Market leaders Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and Toshiba Corp. are reportedly not cutting NAND production, according to reports.

Micron made the disclosure after reporting a $777 million loss in the quarter. ''Management said it is pushing production at Singapore NAND fab from 2H '08 to 1H '09 due to current market conditions,'' said Daniel Amir, an analyst at Lazard Capital Markets. The Singapore fab is part of a joint NAND venture with Intel Corp., dubbed IM Flash Technologies LLC.

The delay could give the market some relief, however. ''We see this positively for the industry in general, as it is another data point (in addition to Hynix cutting production) suggesting that supply-demand in 2H '08 could improve,'' Amir said in a report.

Hynix of South Korea planned to move into NAND production in a new 300-mm fab, dubbed M11. Hynix will push out that production to the third quarter from the second, according to The Wall Street Journal. Hynix will shut down another NAND fab, M9, in the third quarter in a move to reduce output, according to the report.

出處/From:[EE Times]

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酷評:flash fab 要push out, DRAM 也要broke,還讓不讓人活了?

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Nokia reveals the WiMAX N810 just a little early

We've been hearing that a WiMAX-enabled version of Nokia's N810 would be making its grand debut at CTIA on April 1, but it looks like the cat's out of the bag -- check this new image on the Nokia Europe site. Yeah, no beating around the bush there -- we'd say the WiMAX N810 is coming, and soon. Sadly, the product link doesn't work yet, but we think we might have a hunch what the major differences from the regular N810 are.


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酷評:so, what is the wimax huh? anyway, it is good that i am now having a headache between Nokia and Sony's X1

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

TD-SCDMA in China, TODAY | 國產3G下月八城市放號 TD-SCDMA八年夢終圓










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酷評:4月1號,最好不要愚人愚己喲~~~ anyway,最近聽說了TD-LTE,還是希望,td,一路走好!

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