
Monday, April 28, 2008

FEI Receives Award for Titan S/TEM at Nano Tech 2008 in Japan

PORTLAND, Ore., Mar 19, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- FEI Company (Nasdaq: FEIC) today announced that its Titan(TM) 80-300 S/TEM (scanning/transmission electron microscope), the world's most powerful commercially available microscope, was honored with the award for technical excellence in evaluation and measurement at Nano Tech 2008, February 13-15 in Tokyo, Japan. The award recognizes both innovative technology and the contributions the Titan S/TEM has enabled in nanotechnology research.

According to Professor Tomoji Kawai, chairman, Nano Tech Executive Committee, "FEI has been a major contributor to the science of nanotechnology since its inception. The introduction of aberration-corrected TEM is a major breakthrough that gives scientists the ability to directly visualize nanostructures with Sub-Angstrom imaging resolution. A new model with high resolution EELS (electron energy loss spectroscopy) that can provide analytical results with the same high resolution has also been put into practical use."

"The Titan S/TEM's sub-Angstrom resolution, along with its stability, reliability and ease of use, have helped scientists discover new relationships between structure and properties that are driving development at the nanoscale," said Koyo Iwasaki, FEI Japan's country director who accepted the award for FEI. "This award from one of the world's premier nanotechnology conferences highlights the significance of the Titan platform to nanoscience."

Unlike conventional S/TEMs, which require complex computational procedures to reconstruct high resolution images, the Titan S/TEM's aberration-corrected electron optics provides directly interpretable image resolution at the atomic scale. Its proven ability to deliver unparalleled results has made it the preferred S/TEM of leading researchers around the world. In addition to the Titan 80-300 platform, introduced in 2005, the Titan product family now also includes the Titan Krios(TM) platform for cryo-TEM, and the Titan3(TM) 80-300 S/TEM, which is environmentally hardened to reduce facility costs.


酷評:If Si-O bond length is something like 2.*A, then tell me what is so-called Sub-Angstrom imaging? what the hell are you imaging? quark?~~~ anyway, I found this on Fei's website, please tell me if you know that stupid rotating stuff...

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