
Friday, May 16, 2008

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Microsoft windows XP on OLPC XO | OLPC 也墮落了!

曾經充滿著理想、創新和(最重要的)超便宜價格的 OLPC XO,繞到最後還是成了另一台和 EeePC 同級的 Windows XP 便宜筆電 -- 而且鍵盤可能還差一點。是的,你沒看錯,內建 Windows XP 的 OLPC 將在今年八月或九月上市。這個 Windows XP 和其他便宜筆電用的是相同的一個「精簡版」,但微軟多花了一年多的時間為 OLPC 的各種特殊功能 -- e-book 模式、書寫板、攝影機... -- 寫驅動程式。XP 對 OLPC 內建的 1GB 記憶體來說太大了,所以 XP 將會以預載在 2GB SD 卡內的方式提供,扣掉 XP 大概還剩 1GB 多的空間可以拿來裝軟體和存資料。

微軟自然對 OLPC 採用 XP 感到「無比興奮」,但天知道這又會讓一台 OLPC 的成本上升多少?


酷評:都說給小孩子了,為什麽不用DOS,windows 98?我小時候都是這麽過來的,電腦我看比那些只會用XP的懂得多吧?很多時候,對小孩子好是要給他們創造一個學習的機會!

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Meet Asus Eee PC 901 with Intel Atom cpu

It was just yesterday that the official announcement of the Atom-based MSI Wind's pricing prompted us to wonder where ASUS's promised Atom Eee 900 was, and would you look at that -- here's the Eee 901, looking radiant in white. Of course, the major changes are internal, so the exterior looks pretty much the same -- apart from some extra buttons and the relocation of the power jack -- but it's good to know this thing is inching closer to release. Now if we could just get some benchmarks and pricing info, we'd be all set. Check the read link for tons more pics.


酷評:突然間華碩(asus)的eeePC就火了,火的不知所以,火的莫明其妙。可是對比之下,我還是喜歡從想nokia的N810那樣的大型化的手機。為什麽?你看看eeePC,他的定位是什麽呢?小?可是又放不進口袋。功能好?也比不過真正的筆電。何況看看macbook airlenovo的X300,他們可也不怎麽重了喲。所以說,eeePC很尷尬,而且隨著N810那樣的機子功能的不斷完善,他的生存空間只會越來越小。你覺得呢?

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

China earthquake halts some high-tech production

The massive earthquake that devastated parts of China's Sichuan region on Monday halted activities at several high-tech manufacturing facilities in the area although reports indicate that the damages were limited and production should soon resume.

Technology companies affected in the region include Microsoft Corp., Motorola Inc., Semiconductor Manufacturing International and Intel Corp., the world's biggest semiconductor supplier, which has a test and assembly plant in Chengdu, one of the areas affected by the earthquake.

Analysts speculate that production at the affected Intel plant should restart relatively shortly and possibly within the next week or so.

"Intel may take a few days to a week to resume production, lower than some initial expectations of around 2 weeks of disruption," said Tim Luke, an analyst with Lehman Brothers Inc., in a research report.

"The equipment in the facilities in China have earthquake protection mechanism installed, which stops production to limit damage when there is a earthquake," he added.

Luke speculated that Intel could divert work done at the Chengdu factory to other sites in Malaysia, the Philippines or Costa Rica although he noted that rivals Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and Nvidia Corp. could benefit from a longer work stoppage at the China plant.

A spokesperson for Intel was not immediately available but initial report from the company confirmed that no employee at the Chengdu site was injured during the earthquake.

Intel has about 2000 workers at the site and they were immediately evacuated following the natural disaster, which Chinese officials estimate has so far displaced hundreds of thousands and resulted in more than 13,000 casualties.

Other technology companies with facilities in China affected by the earthquake include Motorola Inc., which has one office and approximately 400 employees in the region, according to a spokeswoman in an e-mailed response.

The company reported two of its employees were slightly injured during the earthquake but said it doesn't "anticipate an impact on our business at this time." The Motorola Chengdu facility had "minor damage," the company said.

Motorola said it donated about RMB 2 million, or approximately $286,168, in cash, communications equipment and services to Sichuan province, according to the spokeswoman.

"Motorola will continue to work with local government organizations and customers to determine the donation and support requirements for the next stage," she said.

Recent news reports indicate Microsoft was also affected by the earthquake although the company has not commented. Microsoft operates research facilities in China, according to the company's last annual filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.



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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

SingTel Announces iPhone in Singapore, India, the Philippines and Australia

In a very brief press release SingTel announced that their companies would be providing the iPhone to multiple countries:

SingTel, Bharti Airtel, Globe and Optus today announced that they have signed an agreement with Apple to bring the iPhone to Singapore, India, the Philippines and Australia later this year.

More information will be released at a later date.

The countries include Singapore and the Philippines which have not had any iPhone coverage to date. Meanwhile, India and Australia will also have iPhone coverage from Vodafone. Optus will be providing iPhone coverage in Australia.


酷評:what is so great about iphone? function? control? easy to use? for me, simply can not understand. maybe you might still feel that it is special. but special for tens of million owner?

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Monday, May 12, 2008

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AMD want to go fablite or even fabless | 分析:AMD剝離芯片制造業務很危險 影響價格競爭力





一些分析人士表示,剝離制造業務也有好處。Mercury Research分析師麥克卡倫表示,AMD靠借債建起了芯片制造工廠,這對它來說是一個沈重的財務負擔。剝離制造業務將使債務轉給新成立的公司,使AMD輕裝上陣,全力開展處理器業務。

AMD在德國德累斯頓有二家制造工廠━━Fab 36和Fab 38,還計劃在紐約州建立一家新的制造工廠。AMD還將圖形芯片和芯片組的制造外包給了臺積電和聯華電子等公司。

在AMD CEO魯毅智最近發表有關AMD將更經濟地配置制造資源和減少資本支出,以便提高利潤率的評論後,市場上就出現了有關AMD可能剝離其芯片制造工廠的傳言。


J. Gold Associates總裁傑克表示,盡管傳言很多,AMD可能不會出售其芯片制造工廠。傑克指出,出售芯片制造工廠對於AMD來說是很危險的,因為它將無法利用芯片制造工廠完成芯片設計、調試任務和優化芯片制造工藝。









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Sunday, May 11, 2008

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Microsoft Contracts Taiwanese Foundries to Build Latest XBox 360 Chips | Xbox 360 65nm Jasper計劃8月出貨?

Xbox 360實在是太吵了,自行改機又 有被封的危險,還是等微軟官方拿出解決方案吧。開發代號為Jasper(碧玉)的65nm晶片組已經計劃好一陣子了,不過現在有越來越多的謠言,說是台灣的代工廠已經拿到了合同。新的晶片組功耗更低,發熱變少,計劃今年8月上市。當然不要忘了CPU/GPU整合在一枚晶片中的Valhalla(英烈祠)版,同樣由台積電(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.)製造,09年秋能與大家見面。

more from CENS

Taipei, May 7, 2008 (CENS)--Microsoft began in April farming out production of 65nm graphics chips and north-bridge chips for its latest version of XBox360 game consoles to Taiwanese foundries Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc. (ASE) and Nanya PCB Corp.

Microsoft will make available its Jasper version of XBox360 game consoles in August this year and has contracted dedicated chipmakers to build chips for the latest machine. Contracts for manufacturing, packaging and testing the 65nm Xenon microprocessors have gone to International Business Machines (IBM).

TSMC is chosen to make the 65nm graphics chips and north-bridge chips for Xenon chips, ASE is contracted to package and test the two chips, and Nanya has won orders to supply flip-chip packaging substrates. The contract has booked a total of foundry capacity for around 10,000 300mm wafers at TSMC, currently the No.1 player of silicon-foundry industry worldwide.

People familiar with the contracts said Microsoft ordered 50% more contract packaging and testing capacity as well as flip-chip substrate in the second quarter than the first one, giving a boost to Nanya and ASE in their revenue growth this quarter.

Industry watchers pointed out that Microsoft decided to install 65nm chips in its latest XBox360 machine on grounds that the company had depleted in the first quarter the inventory of 90nm chips for its Falcon version of XBox360 and sought to bring down costs and heat in the machine by using smaller chips.

Falcon machines are equipped with 90nm processors made by IBM and Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing as well as packaged and tested by ASE. TSMC was contracted to build 90nm graphics chips for the older machine.

Industry watchers estimated TSMC to win contracts to make chips for next-generation version of XBox360 dubbed as Valhalla, slated to debut in the fall of 2009.


酷評:一直以為microsoft的xbox360已經跟chartered下到45nm了,居然還抱著tsmc的大腿!唉,什麽common platform,自己沒有過硬的技術,到頭來都是給人家做嫁衣呀...

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Commentary: Who'll survive the leap from DRAMs?

It's no surprise that two DRAM specialists—Elpida and Qimonda —have separately expanded into new markets of late, or that Hynix, Micron and others are scrambling to follow suit. The deep downturn that gripped the DRAM segment last year shows no signs of letting go.

The question is whether these companies are moving in the right product directions. Some market watchers question who'll be left standing when the ugliness is over.

Here's my take on the winners and losers:


In March, Japan's Elpida Memory Inc. entered the silicon foundry business in partnership with Taiwan's United Microelectronics Corp. The foundry venture will utilize Elpida's fab in Japan.

Prospects: Poor. Elpida is losing money in DRAMs. The foundry business is an art form; it's a tough field, especially for neophytes. UMC could help Elpida, but here's the problem: The companies are looking for foundry customers in Japan—and Japanese chip makers generally prefer to use their own fabs. They don't really trust the foundries for high-margin goods.


South Korean DRAM rival Hynix Semiconductor Inc. moved into NAND flash several years ago, and recently it reentered the CMOS image sensor business.

Prospects: Neutral. Like most DRAM makers, Hynix is losing vast sums of money. Its entry into the CMOS imager market is not going to scare the likes of incumbents Micron, OmniVision, STMicroelectronics and Toshiba. But Seoul will continue to support the company. Hynix is like the Terminator: It just won't die.


Several years ago, U.S.-based DRAM maker Micron Technology Inc. moved into CMOS image sensors and NAND flash. In the beginning, the strategy looked promising. Now, the company is caught in the perfect storm: All three of its businesses are down.

Prospects: Cloudy. Micron has spun out its image sensor business, ostensibly to find a joint-venture partner—or maybe to get rid of the operation. Micron's manufacturing partner in NAND, Intel Corp., may not invest in the technology once its obligations are up.

Look to Taiwan for a savior. Micron already has formed a joint DRAM venture with Taiwan's Nanya Technology Corp. Is a flash venture with Nanya next, or even one in CMOS image sensors? There are also rumors that Micron is working with another Taiwan DRAM house: ProMos Technologies Corp.


Germany's Infineon AG wants desperately to sell its stake in loss-plagued Qimonda AG. But Qimonda is looking for ways to stay relevant. It has recently forged a manufacturing venture with Elpida and with Taiwan's Winbond Electronics Corp. And just days ago, Qimonda shocked the industry by jumping into the market for solar cells.

Prospects: Poor. Infineon can no longer keep Qimonda on the books. It will most likely sell the DRAM operation to Micron or Samsung. And Qimonda's entry into the solar cell market is too little, too late. There are already too many solar cell suppliers, and the company has little or no technology to offer—just more capacity.


Let's not forget Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., which keeps rolling over the competition in DRAM and NAND flash. It is also becoming a powerhouse in NOR, much to the chagrin of players like Numonyx and Spansion.

Prospects: Good. But even mighty Samsung faces challenging times. The DRAM, NOR and NAND markets look poor this year. Samsung's long-awaited efforts in the logic market have been a bust. It has failed in processors, MCUs and communications. And the jury is still out as to whether Samsung can be a contender in the foundry market.

To its credit, Samsung has done well in MP3 chips, notably for Apple's iPod. But the margins are tight, and Apple is a high-maintenance business partner. There are rumors that Apple refused to use Samsung's solid-state drive in a Mac, claiming lackluster performance. Apple is reportedly using one from STEC Inc. instead.


酷評:my take,這年頭,還在只玩DRAM的(好像也沒有了),必死無疑。要是有一些周邊生意,well,茍延殘喘。所以說,何苦一定要這麽執著呢,memory,不玩也罷...

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Intel intend to compete with samsung for infineon | 傳英特爾重拾並購戰略 與三星搶奪英飛淩




本周,英特爾數字企業事業部總經理帕特·基辛格(Pat Gelsinger)剛剛表示,英特爾將重拾並購戰略。



酷評:這都是什麽莫名其妙的。Intel 搞個im flash都delay了,還要去買有qimonda的infineon?當然,infineon 不止是qimonda,但也沒好成怎麽樣吧。而且,這年頭世界人民都在spin off的時候,你還到處買東買西的?很莫名很莫名!

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

HTC’s London Press Event with HTC Touch Diamond official specs

Well, we’re not sure what we think of the device just yet. We’ll have our hands-on shots and first impressions up in a bit, but for now, here are the offical specs of the HTC Touch Diamond handset:

Size: 102 x 51 x 11.33mm
Weight: 110 g
Connectivity: WCDMA / HSPA: 900/2100MHz. HSDPA 7.2 Mbps and HSUPA
Operating system: Windows Mobile® 6.1 Professional
Display: 2.8-inch VGA touch screen
Camera: 3.2MP, with video calling
Internal memory: 4 GB Internal Storage, 256 MB flash, 192 MB RAM,
Bluetooth: 2.0 with EDR
Wireless: WiFi 802.11b/g
Interface: HTC ExtUSB™ (mini-USB and audio jack in one; USB 2.0 High-Speed)
Battery: 900 mAh
Talk time: GSM: up to 4 hours
Standby time: GSM: up to 300 hours/100 hours with push email
Chipset: Qualcomm MSM® 7201A™ 528MHz



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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

huge solar cell LED in Beijing Olympic | 超大太阳能LED墙服务北京奥运会

一個名叫greenPIX的公司創造了一個藝術與科技的奇跡——世界上最大的全彩LED顯示墻,而這塊巨大的LED多媒體幕墻就在我們身邊,其坐落於北京市復興路與西翠路路口處,距離奧運場館不遠的輝煌凈雅酒店,該項目由美國設計師Simone Giostra和Arup公司共同完成。該工程總造價1500萬元,由2300塊、9種不同規格的光電板組成,具有非凡的視覺效果。




酷評:哇,又是solar cell,又是LED的,這個奧運搞的還真夠時尚的。只是這個花銷方面。。。

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Monday, May 5, 2008

DRAM rankings: Samsung seeks to bury competitors

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. clung to its DRAM market lead in the first quarter, according to market researcher iSuppli Corp., cranking up production as competitors retreated in response to weak market conditions and a U.S. economic recession.

ISuppli (El Segundo, Calif.) reported Thursday (May 1) that Samsung's DRAM sales totaled $1.8 billion in the first quarter of 2008, or 30.6 percent of the global DRAM market. Samsung's global DRAM market share rose 0.4 percent over the fourth quarter of 2007.

The bad news for competitors was that the overall DRAM market declined by 7.4 percent during the same period. As a result, the market researcher said "DRAM market conditions now have bottomed out, and there is no further room for declines. If the market hasn't bottomed out yet, OEM DRAM buyers will encounter major risks of DRAM supply-chain disruptions because some suppliers are facing serious financial issues, and potentially could leave the business."

No. 2 Hynix Semiconductor Inc. trailed Samsung in DRAM market share, registering an 8.4 percent sequential decline in revenues. No. 3 DRAM supplier Elpida Memory Inc. of Japan increased DRAM production during the first quarter, resulting in 1.5 percent gain in global market share to 14.5 percent.

The Japanese DRAM maker benefited from manufacturing partnerships with Germany's Qimonda AG and a foundry technology agreement with United Microelectronics Corp. of Taiwan.

In posting a quarterly loss this week, Chinese DRAM maker Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. said it was exiting from the DRAM market.

ISuppli warned that global DRAM revenue declined 7.4 percent in the first quarter to $5.9 billion compared to the previous quarter. Overall, iSuppli said the DRAM market was awash in red ink in the first quarter with no DRAM supplier generating a profit.

It predicted that Samsung would continue to pursue a "game of chicken" in an attempt to leverage its overall strong balance sheet to bury its competitors in the second quarter.


酷評:在一個沒有前途的行業裏,bury competitors,提升市場份額,是不是等同於虧損增加?Samsung, well done...

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

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Microsoft Withdraws Its Bid for Yahoo | 微軟宣布放棄收購雅虎 但不排除二次出價










酷評:驚天大新聞,Microsoft居然 walk away from yahoo了!雖然之前也有估計,而且總是覺得microsoft去收購這個"將死之人",沒什麽好處。可是,可是,yahoo這麽嘴硬倒還是真沒看出來。被人收購是感覺不好。可是你也看看情況呀!你被microsoft收購,起碼,你在online這一塊你還是說的過去的,你要哪天被google收購了,那我看你就什麽都不是了。哦,等一下,我估計不會有那一天了,再這麽下去,怕是只有自生自滅了...

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

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Friday, May 2, 2008

latest rumor on Microsoft and Yahoo | 微軟放棄惡意並購 擬提升報價至每股33美元







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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ricoh's 28mm GR Digital II camera gets reviewed

The Ricoh GR Digital II is the second compact digital camera that we've reviewed recently which has a 28mm fixed focal length lens, putting it it direct competition with the Sigma DP1. The lens on the GR Digital II is a stop faster, offering a maximum aperture of f/2.4, but unlike the DP1 which uses a large APS-C sized sensor, Ricoh's camera is based upon a much smaller 1/1.75-inch CCD sensor with 10 megapixels. Improvements from the original GR Digital model include the new GR ENGINE II image processing engine which promises better noise performance, a neat electronic level function that indicates if the camera is level, and a retro 1:1 aspect ratio for square format photos. Images can be recorded either as JPEGs or in the Adobe DNG RAW format, there's a pop-up flash and an external hotshoe which can accept a flashgun or the optional electronic viewfinder, and full creative control over exposure is available. Ricoh have been focusing all of their recent efforts on making digicams for the professional photographer, releasing some of the genuinely more interesting compacts currently available, so does the Ricoh GR Digital II meet their needs?



The GR Digital II is another excellent addition to Ricoh's now extensive line-up of compact cameras for professional photographers. The 28mm lens with fast maximum aperture of f/2.4 and very little distortion is a winning combination for landscape and street photographers alike, especially as the GR Digital II continues the usual Ricoh tradition of being responsive to use, especially when shooting JPEGs. Although a significant improvement on the original GR Digital, switching to RAW mode does slow thing down considerably, with images taking 4 seconds to write to memory and no continuous shooting mode, but you can at least take 2 shots in quick succession without locking the camera up completely. The new electronic horizon leveler and depth-of-field indicator are just two of the many subtle features that really set this camera apart. The GR Digital II's already intuitive control system can be almost completely configured to suit your way of working, a commendable approach at a time when most compacts are being stuffed full of largely superfluous technologies.

There are a few downsides to consider, principally the level of noise at ISO 400 and faster, and the high price. Ricoh have always chosen the route of "less reduction, more noise", maintaining image detail but displaying more artifacts at slower ISO speeds than some of their competitors. Consequently images are noisy both onscreen and in prints at ISO 400 and faster, although you can turn on the in-camera noise reduction at the expense of fine detail. In all other respects the image quality is very good, with little sign of chromatic aberrations, good overall exposure, a fantastic 1.5cm macro mode, powerful built-in flash and up to 3 minute long exposure times. The other main issue is the price-tag. At £399 / $699, the GR Digital II is more expensive than many entry-level DSLRs with a kit lens, never-mind the 10 megapixel compact competition, so you'll need to be pretty keen on this camera's unique features and design approach for it to make any kind of financial sense.

If you're still interested in the Ricoh GR Digital II, then you'll also have to seriously consider the even more expensive Sigma DP1, which produces signficantly better image quality than the Ricoh thanks to its large APS-C sized sensor. Comparing images from both cameras side-by-side, onscreen and in print, is like comparing apples and oranges, with the DP1 clearly coming out on top. On the other hand, the Ricoh GR Digital II is smaller, lighter, much more responsive, feature-rich and customisable than the DP1, so much so that when using the two cameras together, I often reached for the Ricoh rather than the Sigma, especially if the main subject of the photo was moving. If only the two companies could join forces and merge the two cameras into one, with the DP1's image quality and the Ricoh's user interface and responsiveness, you'd almost have the perfect compact camera. It will be very interesting to see if Ricoh follow Sigma's lead and also release a compact with an APS-C sensor...

Back in the real world, we're left with a pocket camera that is a veritable pleasure to use and which delivers excellent photos at slower ISO speeds. If you want the ultimate image quality, then you should clearly choose the Sigma DP1, despite its short-comings. If you want a more well-rounded and versatile 28mm camera, then the Ricoh is still a fantastic choice for the serious photographer.

出處/From:[Photography Blog]

酷評:在這個“對焦基本靠手,變焦基本靠走,虛化基本靠抖,防抖基本靠肘,測光基本靠瞅”的年代,有臺定焦的口袋機確實是挺實用的,何況他還有2.4和1/1.75!這也是為什麽在CN(canon, nikon)還有現在SO(sony, olympics)的無限壓力下,理光還能獨占鰲頭,經常有好幾架機子擠進受歡迎機器的前十了。

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