
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Meet Asus Eee PC 901 with Intel Atom cpu

It was just yesterday that the official announcement of the Atom-based MSI Wind's pricing prompted us to wonder where ASUS's promised Atom Eee 900 was, and would you look at that -- here's the Eee 901, looking radiant in white. Of course, the major changes are internal, so the exterior looks pretty much the same -- apart from some extra buttons and the relocation of the power jack -- but it's good to know this thing is inching closer to release. Now if we could just get some benchmarks and pricing info, we'd be all set. Check the read link for tons more pics.


酷評:突然間華碩(asus)的eeePC就火了,火的不知所以,火的莫明其妙。可是對比之下,我還是喜歡從想nokia的N810那樣的大型化的手機。為什麽?你看看eeePC,他的定位是什麽呢?小?可是又放不進口袋。功能好?也比不過真正的筆電。何況看看macbook airlenovo的X300,他們可也不怎麽重了喲。所以說,eeePC很尷尬,而且隨著N810那樣的機子功能的不斷完善,他的生存空間只會越來越小。你覺得呢?

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