
Monday, June 30, 2008

Intel is back for the chipset market of the Mobilephone | 英特爾重返手機芯片業 歐德寧挑戰老對手高通德儀




據Bloomberg收集的數據顯示,PNC Institutional Investments擁有1080萬股英特爾的股票。該公司的分析師比爾·戈爾曼說:“我對此觀點表示懷疑,手機芯片市場本身就很艱難,而這一市場上的競爭也很艱難,高通在繼續開發最先進的技術,德州儀器也將依然是該市場的霸主。”






手機芯片業分析機構Forward Concepts Co.分析師威爾·斯特勞斯估計,英特爾於2006年以5億美元的價格將其手機芯片業務部門出售之前,它在手機芯片業務上投入的資金已經超過了50億美元。英特爾計劃今年在研發上投入59億美元,但具體預算數字還沒有披露。

英特爾推出的第一款針對手持機市場的產品將是淩動芯片。據英特爾產品經理潘卡幾·柯迪亞(Pankaj Kedia)稱,20歲以下的年青人會因對方便、快捷地訪問YouTube等站點感興趣而可能購買移動互聯網設備。柯迪亞說:“目前,人們只有坐在PC前才能觀看視頻,我們想掙脫這種束縛。”


德州儀器手機業務部門主管格雷格·德拉吉(Greg Delagi)稱,英特爾單靠性能是不會贏得客戶支持的。他說,當前產品因能耗低於英特爾的能耗而使其續航時間更長。基於德州儀器OMAP芯片的新產品能耗只有1瓦左右,而基於英特爾淩動芯片的產品能耗則是德州儀器OMAP芯片的5倍,直接導致了兩種產品續航時間的差別。







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Friday, June 27, 2008

SVTC launches solar R&D center in Silicon Valley

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Expanding its wings in new markets, R&D foundry upstart SVTC Technologies Inc. has launched a solar-cell development center in Silicon Valley.

As part of the move, SVTC has signed a collaboration agreement with solar equipment manufacturer Roth & Rau AG of Germany. Under the agreement, Roth & Rau will provide a complete silicon wafer solar cell development and manufacturing line for SVTC of San Jose.

SVTC has also announced one of its first customers for the solar-cell center, dubbed the Silicon Valley Photovoltaic Development Center. China's JA Solar will use the center to develop new products for the solar market.

Corporate investment is estimated at $20 million to $30 million for the center. To help the center to acquire needed industrial and manufacturing capital equipment, the San Jose Redevelopment Agency is investing $100,000. Additionally, the California Employment Training Panel Fund is investing $100,000 to facilitate training for employees of the Silicon Valley Photovoltaic Development Center.

At one time, SVTC was owned and operated by Cypress Semiconductor Corp. as a "lab-to-fab" facility aimed at third-party engineering groups. Over the years, the business grew to serve dozens of customers, ranging from startups to large fabless semiconductor companies.

Last year, Cypress sold its R&D fab unit to private-equity firms Oak Hill Capital Partners and Tallwood Venture Capital for approximately $53 million. As part of the transaction, Cypress transferred the equipment, process technologies and personnel associated with its SVTC business to the buyer. Cypress remains a customer.

Under its new owners, SVTC continues to work with both large and small companies to bring technologies from the lab to the fab, said David Bergeron, chief executive of SVTC. ''SVTC is a technology services company aimed at commerialization,'' he told EE Times.

Now, the company has expanded its efforts in solar. SVTC's Silicon Valley Photovoltaic Development Center will provide the solar industry with the infrastructure -- including development equipment, support and engineering services -- required to commercialize solar cells. ''This is a natural extension into photovoltaics of our core business in the semiconductor industry,'' Bergeron said.

Like the semiconductor side of the business, SVTC will work with both large and small solar-cell vendors, said Kurt Laetz, SVTC's solar program manager. The SVTC will enable companies to ''prove their technologies'' in the lab, enabling them to move into production, said Scott Marquardt, vice president of sales, marketing and strategic business development for SVTC.

The Silicon Valley Photovoltaic Development Center is located in an 87,000-square-foot facility in San Jose. The center will provide shared access to equipment and services. The first products are expected to move into production by September of this year, Marquardt said.

出處/From:[EE Times]

酷評:最近经常关注这方面的消息,不过这方面的消息也确实不少,比如之前的ibm和intel,看来solar cell industry因该不是什么空穴来风,而是却有发展前景滴!

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nikon D700 spy shot & info | 確認擁有內置閃光燈 尼康全副單反D700真機曝光

上周我們還在風風火火的討論是否存在尼康第二部全畫幅數碼單反相機D700,而最後EVO得出的最後結論是D700確實存在。本周EVO再次接到D700 實物的線報,隨著實物圖的曝光大家早前討論的關於D700是否內置閃光燈的問題也得到了確認,EVO可以很負責任的告訴你D700內置了閃光燈。

通過上圖機身背帶部分的“D7” 的字樣也再次確認了D700存在的真實性,當然隨著上圖的曝光還隨之帶來了另一個關於D700機身上所接鏡頭 的訊息。

通過上圖我們還能得出一些關於D700機身所接鏡頭內消息,從鏡頭的大小和比例上我們可以大膽的猜測該鏡頭也許就是AFS-S 24-120mm VR鏡頭的升級版本,而鏡身靠近卡口部分的紅色“VR”標記也從側面證明了我們的這一猜想。新版本的24-120mm VR鏡頭,也許是即將到來D700的最佳搭檔了。



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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nokia to Up Symbian Stake to 100%, Then Open it Up

Oooooh Android. Things are not going well for you lately. First the Wall Street Journal reports that your release has been delayed and now Symbian, the most popular Smartphone Operating System in the world, will be opening up. Open?!? That was totally your thing! Well maybe not It’s ok, don’t worry; you’ve still got the Google juice going for you. Nokia has made a few major announcements this morning with regards to the heavyweight title holder that is Symbian. First and foremost, 48% ownership is not going to cut it anymore. Nokia will soon pony up €264 million ($412 million at today’s exchange rate) for the remaining 52% of Symbian to become the sole owner. Then what? Nokia has also announced the formation of a new organization: the Symbian Foundation. Foundation members currently include AT&T (huh?), LG Electronics, Motorola, NTT DOCOMO, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments, Vodafone, and more. The foundation will be the backbone of efforts with regards to creating “the most proven, open and complete mobile software platform - available for free”. The acquisition of Symbian is expected to be completed in Q4 of this year and it will likely be at least another year or so before we see the tree bear some fruit. We can’t wait.


酷評:now i know why nokia phone are so expensive. using huge amount of money on this? what a move? though everyone like free stuff, but this? what for? anyway, let's hope the new generation of symbian will bring some surprise.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sharp 108 inch LCD TV ready to go | 夏普超大108英寸面板 可望下月出貨


在2007年1月在美國賭城拉斯韋加斯舉辦的CES(Consumer Electronics Show)大展中,夏普108英寸面板首次亮相,由於當時面板廠商無不積極打造超大尺寸面板產線,追逐面板極大化的顛峰,也因此夏普108英寸面板出現,一度引起業界轟動,原訂2007年底面市,但最後仍延遲至2008年推出。

不過夏普該款液晶顯示器出場問世、打造全球最大面板的紀錄,可能會在2009年被對手松下電器(Matsushita Electric)超越,松下計劃在2009年推出150英寸的電漿顯示器面板(PDP)。

另據PC World報導指出,夏普108英寸面板為Full HD(分辨率1,920×1,080),長寬各2.2、2.5公尺,預估制作成液晶電視(LCD TV)重量為195公斤,首款108英寸顯示器將落腳於日本東京Shinjuku Piccadilly戲院大廳,預計7月19日開幕。



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Monday, June 23, 2008

IBM, Intel take steps in solar

NEW YORK -- Big business is officially going solar.

This month, several of the world's biggest technology and manufacturing companies -- including Intel Corp. and International Business Machines Corp. -- made major moves into the burgeoning solar power business.

That could be the start of a trend as corporate giants look to capitalize on the growing demand for cleaner energy sources.

"These announcements are a great indication of where the solar industry is going," Rhone Resch, president of industry trade group the Solar Energy Industries Association, said in an interview on the sidelines of the Renewable Energy Finance Forum conference in New York this week. "This is the beginning of both high-tech and energy companies getting into solar."

Solar power still makes up a tiny fraction of the world's energy consumption, but the makers of panels that transform sunlight into electricity are enjoying supercharged growth due to heightened concerns about climate change and rising prices on fossil fuels.

In the last few years alone, solar companies including San Jose, California-based SunPower Corp and Germany's Q-Cells AG have grown from small technology-focused start-ups into businesses with multibillion-dollar market capitalizations. Now, other companies want a piece of that fast-growing market.

A few tech companies, such as chip equipment maker Applied Materials Inc and SunPower stakeholder Cypress Semiconductor Corp, got into the solar business earlier this decade, recognizing the similarities between their own industries and technology-driven solar power. With their proven successes, others are following.

"What the strategic players bring is that ability to bring large-scale manufacturing," said Kevin Genieser, who heads Morgan Stanley's renewable energy investment banking practice. "We're expecting to see merger and acquisition activity ramp up in the solar space," he said at the conference.


This week, the world's largest maker of semiconductors, Intel, said it would spin off solar technology it developed into a start-up called SpectraWatt Inc, and IBM said it had joined forces with semiconductor process company Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co Ltd (TOK) to develop more efficient solar power technologies.

Intel is leading a $50 million investment round in SpectraWatt, which will begin shipping its solar cells next year, while IBM and TOK plan to license their copper-indium-gallium-selenide thin film solar technology in the next two to three years.

Those moves came on the heels of Robert Bosch GmbH's announcement earlier this month that it would buy German solar cell maker Ersol for 1.08 billion euros ($1.67 billion). Privately owned Bosch is the world's biggest automotive supplier.

Finally, also this month Hewlett-Packard Co, the world's biggest computer maker, said it would license its clear transistor technology to Livermore, California-based solar power company Xtreme Energetics.

Many said the interest from corporate stalwarts lends new credibility to solar power, proving that it is far from a fad.

"Intel, IBM and HP announcements of new solar initiatives (on the heels of Bosch acquisition of Ersol) validate solar's long-term opportunity," Piper Jaffray analyst Jesse Pichel said in a note to clients this week.

Even Tom Werner, chief executive of SunPower, agreed that with Intel and IBM in the business, financiers and others can't help but see solar as "the real deal."

Werner said IBM and Intel would certainly raise the competitive bar, but he added that SunPower's well-established business has a significant advantage.

"For us, it just makes us sharpen our sword a little bit more," Werner said in an interview. "The Intel thing, they are breaking ground now. We've been shipping for several years now, so if we can't stay in front of that, shame on us."

Resch and Pichel also said new entrants into the market, however large, were unlikely to hurt established players given that demand for solar panels far outpaces supply.

Still, there are some who say the big companies now coming into the solar fold may just be too late to the party.

"Today it may be a day late and a dollar short," said CRT Capital Group analyst Ashok Kumar. "Most of the domestic and overseas players have already built up scale."


酷評:solar solar,這麽看來它是真的要火了,大家準備好轉行吧!

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Intel, Nvidia face off at Hot Chips

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Intel Corp. and Nvidia Corp. will go head-to-head with their latest graphics architectures at the 20th annual Hot Chips conference at Stanford University, August 24-26. The event will also showcase a handful of new media processors.

In an afternoon session, Intel will present a paper on its new Larrabee graphics architecture and Nvidia will describe the version of its new GTX chip that is aimed at high-end parallel computing and was announced Monday (June 16). "This will be the first time someone can see these two architectures side by side," said Kevin Krewell, an Nvidia marketing manager who is on the Hot Chips committee.

Intel is expected to make the first technical disclosures of Larrabee in a paper at Siggraph the week of August 11. It will probably also discuss the chip at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco the week of August 18.

To date Intel has only said Larrabee is based on multiple x86 cores and is aimed at graphics and technical computing. Recently Intel chief technology officer Justin Rattner suggested the chip will drive an industry transition from raster graphics to ray tracing, a shift many observers said is not in the foreseeable future.

A variety of media processors will be described at Hot Chips, including a programmable multicore video processor from Advanced Micro Devices that it calls a mediaDSP. NXP Semiconductors will present its PNX5100, a video processor aimed at H.264 playback at 120 Hz, and Toshiba will describe a new derivative of the Cell processor called the SpursEngine and aimed at media processing.

Two startups will describe mobile media devices. Telegent will present a single-chip receiver for NTSC/PAL TV that consumes 300mW and is aimed at handheld systems. Audience will detail a voice processor that imitates the way human hearing works.

In addition, a team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences will describe the Godson-3. The chip is a multicore version of the group's earlier designs with similarities to the MIPS processor.

出處/From:[EE Times]


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Thursday, June 19, 2008

【810 萬像素手機】SonyEricsson 發佈 Cyber-Shot 系列最高規格手機 C905

SonyEricsson 於新加坡舉行的亞洲電信展中發布最新的 Cyber-shot 影像手機 C905。以時尚的外型設計,加上專業的拍攝功能,相信能全面滿足不同用戶的需求。

SonyEricsson 今天發布了首部滑蓋設計的 Cyber-shot 影像手機 C905,亦是至今Cyber-Shot 系列最高規格的手機,C905 備有 810 萬像素 CMOS 鏡頭,更配備符合數碼相機標準的 Xenon 閃光燈,能夠輕易拍出媲美數碼相機的高質素照片。

全新 SonyEricsson C905 Cyber-shot 影像手機.輕易拍出最佳照片

* 完美造型: 真正數碼相機外型設計,配備 810 萬像素鏡頭及 Xenon 閃光燈
* 獨特拍照: 具備人面臉部偵測及自動對焦功能、智能對比度調節及影像穩定器
* 超大儲存:附送 2GB Memory Stick Micro (M2) 記憶卡
* 照片傳輸:隨盒附送的 USB 適配器 CCR-70 方便您將照片從手機與個人電腦之間互相傳送
* 屏幕顯示: 2.4 吋防刮無機玻璃材質的液晶屏,欣賞高質素照片
* 電視輸出:透過 Wi-Fi (DLNA) 無線方式或使用同日發布的電視輸出線 ITC-60,將手機上的照片傳送至電視屏幕上與人分享
* 照片分享:上載照片至您的個人網上相片日誌或將照片打印至清晰高解像的 A3 尺寸
* 導航功能:支援 GPS,提供影像定位拍攝及衛星導航功能

承接 SonyEricsson 影像手機領域的特色及優勢,性能全方位的 C905 Cyber-shot 影像手機將拍攝功能發揮至最高境界,其內置強勁的 810 萬像素數碼相機,無論外型、質感及表現均與一部真正的相機無異。

C905 Cyber-shot 影像手機備有三款不同顏色可供選擇(黑色、銀色、金色),預計將於 2008 年第 4 季度在特選市場推出。C905 支援 3.5G 雙制式四頻 (GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900,UMTS/HSDPA 2100) 網絡。


酷評:不得不承认,sony这种小的东西确实做的不错。可是,可是,他为什么不弄个开放的operating system呢?X1都用windows mobile了,即使不行,上个symbian也成呀...

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Nokia E71 and E66 Get Offical

We know, we know. Since we gave the world an exclusive and extensive video walkthrough with the Nokia E71 last month all other E71 news has been, well, boring. We showed you just about every inch of the Nokia’s slender new stunner, both inside and out. The shinny new UI enhancements, the ridiculously hot form factor, the sleek metal case and every other nook and cranny. It seems like it took forever but Nokia has finally made the E71 official along with its little brother, the E66. Since we already knew just about everything there is to know about these skinny devices, all we were waiting for is release dates and price points. Although the official launch took place easrlier today, we’re still fuzzy on both issues. In typical fashion, we were given “Q3″ in terms of when the handsets will become available. Beyond that we were told that the E66 will be under $500 and the E71 will be over $500. We won’t get into this too much, but which would you consider a better way to announce a highly-anticipated handset: “You can get it on July 11 for $199″ or “You can get it sometime in the third quarter for somewhere around $500″? But we digress. Some new live videos are popping up around the internet today from Nokia’s not-so-secret London launch event so if you want some live E66 and E71 action - again - go seek them out. In the meantime, we’re wondering what we should do with our E71? How about a nice “Will it Blend” video? This is what the E71’s market share will look like in the US because Nokia couldn’t get its act together and release it before July… Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!



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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

NVIDIA 發表 GTX 280 和 GTX 260 顯卡

Nvidia 這時候丟出新世代的新顯卡是有那麼一點出乎意料之外,因為 9 系列的顯卡其實才剛推出來不久而已。不過仔細的想一想,9 系列嚴格來說在架構上和 8 系列沒有太大的差別,因此 GTX 200 系列 GPU 算是 NVIDIA 近兩年來的第一顆全新的高階單 GPU 顯卡。隨著新 GPU 而來的是全新的 Nvidia 命名方式 -- 一方面是「9」已經被用到底了,二方面是 Nvidia 原本的命名系統已經混亂到沒人分得出哪張比較好的地步了。新的命名系統由 等級+系列+GPU Power 所組成,等級有四級,分別是 GTX > GT > GS > G(意義相當於舊命名法中的第二位數),系列號就是以前的第一位數,現在從 2 開始重新計算,而 GPU Power 相當於以前的 GTX / GTS / GT / GS... ,主要是流處理器的數目和頻率的分別。

Nvidia 的新旗艦 GTX 280 據報比 8800 GX2 快上 50%,單顆晶片上的電晶體數也高達 9800 的兩倍,最高可搭配 1GB 的 GDDR3 記憶體。GTX 260 在各方面當然都比 GTX280 低階一點,但價格也便宜不少 -- GTX 280 預定售價 $650 美元,而 GTX 260 則要價 $400 美元。


酷評:Look at that picture, you are sure it is a graphic card rather than a giant monster?

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Monday, June 16, 2008

yahoo and google: microsoft? who? | 雅虎最終Google牽手 微軟繼續尋尋覓覓






至於微軟還有什麽其他的路可選,分析師先前即指出,微軟可以收購Time Warner旗下的網絡部門AOL,或收購大型的社區網站。不過,別的交易能否協助微軟顯著擴大搜索市場的版圖,就很難說。搜索正是目前網絡廣告經費投入最多的一塊市場,也是微軟與Google競爭得最辛苦的領域。


微軟為了提高搜索市占率,也嘗試過別的策略,例如給微軟搜索引擎(例如Live Search Club)的使用者一些經濟利益,並推動新的Live Search現金回饋計劃,付費給經由微軟搜索引擎付費廣告購物的使用者。




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Friday, June 13, 2008

UMC tips roadmap, questions 450-mm

ANAHEIM, Calif. -- At the Design Automation Conference (DAC) here, Taiwan foundry provider United Microelectronics Corp. (UMC) outlined its process roadmap and announced several alliances with the EDA community.
And unlike its rival on the island, UMC, the world's second largest foundry vendor, said that it is not pushing the next-generation 450-mm wafer size.

UMC (Hsinchu) has been ramping up 65-nm processes for some time, but it will shortly move into the 45- and 40-nm nodes. Like its foundry rivals, the company has pushed out its high-k and metal gate solution to the 32-nm node.

As of late, the company has been somewhat less vocal about its cutting-edge process technologies, as compared to IBM's ''fab club'' and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC). "We're definitely not behind," said Lee Chung, vice president of the corporate marketing division at UMC.

Like TSMC--and reportedly Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Pte. Ltd.--UMC is developing a 45-nm process and will also provide a 40-nm ''half-step'' technology.

UMC's 45-/40-nm process is multi-level metal technology with copper interconnects and ultra low-k dielectrics. At that node, UMC's low-k technology will have a ''k effective'' value of 2.5, compared to 3.0 at 65-nm.

The company will also make use of immersion lithography at those nodes. Its 45-/40-nm processes are expected to move into initial production by year's end, Chung told EE Times at DAC.

UMC is also working on its 32-nm process, which is expected to be released at the end of 2010. The process will make use of high-k and metal gates, but the company declined to elaborate on the technology.

It is expected to ramp up its 45-/40-nm technology in Fab 12, a 300-mm plant that is located in the southern Taiwan city of Tainan. At least for now, UMC is not pushing for 450-mm fabs. In contrast, rival TSMC, as well as Intel and Samsung are pushing the industry towards 450-mm fabs, which are being targeted for the 2012 time frame.

"Today, 450-mm is not exciting," Chung said. "At 300-mm, there are so many [productivity improvements] you can do.''

Asked if he saw 450-mm fabs appearing in 2012, he said: "I don't believe it." The real problem is the equipment makers, which "are not excited" about moving towards the next-generation wafer size, he said.

Meanwhile, at DAC, UMC announced a number of alliances with EDA houses. Cadence Design Systems Inc. and UMC announced the availability of a Common Power Format (CPF)-based low-power reference design flow targeted to UMC's 65-nm process.

Synopsys Inc. and UMC announced the release of a low-power design reference flow supporting UMC's 65-nm technology. The new reference design flow includes RTL-to-GDSII design capabilities based on the Unified Power Format (UPF) standard.

Magma Design Automation Inc. and UMC announced the availability of a validated UPF-compliant low-power RTL-to-GDSII design flow that uses the UMC's 65-nm library. And not to be outdone, Extreme DA and UMC announced their collaboration on variation-aware IC design flows for 65-nm and finer process technologies.

出處/From:[EE Times]

酷評:Agreed! think about the profitability of your 300mm, isn't that painful?

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

5 reasons say no to 3G iPhone | 3G iPhone並非聖品 細數拒絕五大理由

6月12日消息,蘋果周一在“全球開發者大會”上隆重推出3G版iPhone多媒體手機,毫無疑問,新款手機較舊款功能有許多改進,但遺憾的是仍然存在一些缺陷,以下列出了不購買3G iPhone的五大理由:


3G iPhone的攝像頭硬件及軟件均無任何改進。目前在一些高端手機中,3到5百萬像素的配置已非常普遍,然而3G iPhone如此高級的一款設備卻仍采用2百萬像素的攝像頭,不能不說是一大遺憾。另外,也沒有閃光燈和自拍攝鏡,並且攝像頭軟件沒有對拍攝過程和設置調節功能。比如,你無法調低像素,無法對像質和白平衡等進行調節。或許蘋果打算依靠第三方開發者提供更好的攝像頭軟件,但許多用戶可能更喜歡蘋果提供的攝像頭軟件。


盡管3G iPhone發布時的價格較此前預期的低了200美元,但你有沒有想過,用戶購買時還必須額外支付240美元,與運營商簽署為期兩年的數據服務合同。因此,使用兩年的價格較舊版iPhone還增加了40美元。顯然,由於價格原因準備購新機的用戶要仔細考慮了。與新機同時出臺了新規定,用戶只能通過AT&T和蘋果店鋪購機,並且必須要現場激活,該規定使解鎖困難增大,為期兩年的合同是強制性的。




3G iPhone仍沒有立體聲藍牙耳機,沒有MMS(彩信),沒有錄制視頻功能,SMS(短信)無字數計數器,以及無剪切粘貼功能。也許上述缺少的功能將來第三方開發者會陸續添加,但誰知道呢。

5.3G 無線支持。

3G iPhone的最大賣點在於可支持UMTS、HSDPA和3G三種網絡,意味著用戶可在北美、南美、澳大利亞、歐洲及其他區實現漫遊。不過蘋果本來可以做得更好,比如應增加AT&T的HSPA網絡支持,提供更快的圖片和郵件上傳速度。此外,3G iPhone仍不支持速度最快的HSDPA最新版網絡,而只支持中速版本,理論下載速度為3.6兆每秒。



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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

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Canon release EOS 1000D DSLR | Canon 發表 EOS 1000D DSLR

1000D?我們老早就知道它的可能存在了,只不知道和現有的 450D 差在哪裡而已。隨著今天的發表,一切謎團(除了一個之外)也都全部明朗化了。1000D 將有 10mp 的感光器(450D 是 12mp)、2.5" 的螢幕(450D 是 3")和 7 點自動對焦(450D 是 9 點),其他看起來都和 450D 差不多,同樣有 3fps 連拍、DIGIC III 影像處理晶片、和相同的 EF-S 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 IS kit 鏡。

那不知道的是什麼?價格!到最後,1000D 是不是真的能和 D60 打對台,將取決於它的價格,但目前我們只有含 kit 鏡 600~800 美元這樣的一個估計範圍而已。合理的估算是比較接近 600 美元,因為高它一階的 450D 實際售價含 kit 鏡也只在 850 左右。總之,多猜無用,還是等價格出來再說吧!



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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ThinkPad X200 release soon? | 傳說中的ThinkPad X200離我們不遠了?

ThinkPad 論壇帶來了ThinkPad X200的配置消息,同時亮相的還有ThinkPad SL300/SL400/SL500,ThinkPad T400/T500,ThinkPad R400/R500配置情況,不過這些配置和最終消息要等到7月份官方發表,現在讓我們先瞭解下,要買筆電的朋友可以觀望下:

* 12吋WXGA顯示螢幕
* 45奈米Core 2 Duo處理器,最高2.4GHz
* 採用內建vPro技術的迅馳2平台
* 最大64GB的SSD的固態硬碟
* 支援WiMAX / WWAN / GPS / WiFi / UWB / 藍牙等無線技術
* 鎂鋁合金外殼
* 9 cell電池,最大續航時間高達9.6小時
* 採用DDR3記憶體
* 130萬視訊
* 重量從1.32公斤起(X61為1.42公斤)


* Montevina Penryn Core 2 Duo處理器 或 Celeron 處理器
* Cantiga(PM / GM / GL)晶片組
* GMA 4500MHD內建圖形處理器 / ATI Mobility Radeon 3470
* 80-320GB的5400轉硬碟 或 80-200GB的7200轉硬碟
* 最大支援4GB DDR3記憶體
* 乙太網路,藍牙,WiFi
* USB X 3, ExpressCard,VGA,1394a 等
* 可選內建視訊
* 鎂合金框架
* Thinkvantage軟體

SL300, SL400, SL500三大型號的基本配置:

* 支援Centrino 2 平台
* Intel Core 2 Duo處理器
* DDR2 667MHz 記憶體
* Intel Turbo Memory
* Intel X4500或NVIDIA GeForce 9300圖形處理器
* Anti-Glare(防眩) 或 VibrantView螢幕
* 內建光碟機(可選藍光)
* 容量可達320GB的5400轉硬碟
* ExpressCard,1394,USB
* 可選200萬像素內建視訊
* 支援最新的9 cell電池
* 2 x 1.5W揚聲器,雙陣列麥克風
* Lenovo Care軟體

ThinkPad T400 / T500的基本配置:

* Centrino 2 平台 + vPro技術
* 45奈米Core 2 Duo CPU,最高時鐘可達2.8GHz
* DDR3記憶體
* 64GB SSD 或 最高容量至200GB的7200轉硬碟 或 最高容量至320GB的5400轉硬碟
* ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470(T400) / 3650(T500)
* 顯卡切換功能
* LED背光螢幕
* 7 in 1讀卡器
* 第三代散熱靜音架構
* 鎂合金框架
* 可選9cell電池,續航時間最大可達8.2小時
* 另外,T500還搭載了DisplayPort。



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Monday, June 9, 2008

Baidu: We protect copyright! | 百度沈浩瑜回应被诉音乐侵权:我们一直保护版权








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Saturday, June 7, 2008

New 64GB flash memory from Microdia

Flash memory cards are going to be a big hit at this year's PMA event. A multitude of smaller no- name and established big name manufacturers are putting their reputations on the line with flash memory cards that are aiming to be the fastest, the biggest and the best for your portable device.

Of course, whilst everyone is claiming to be the best in market with their flash cards, we found one company that was willing to go on record by claiming to have the first 64GB flash card in the world – and it's ready for market in Australia.

The Microdia 64GB XTRA ELITE CF (compact flash card) has some impressive specs for their world beating card, including sustained read and write speeds of 300x or 45MB/second. That's going to be great for photo enthusiasts who are looking for high burst rates. With that kind of storage, Microdia say that you can expect each card "to hold around 19000 high resolution (JPG) images".

出處/From:[PC Authority]

酷評:記得第一塊硬盤還沒1G,記得第一塊顯卡顯存還沒1M,現在一個CF card都64G了...不是我不明白,這個世界變得快...

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Friday, June 6, 2008

RMCN for your credit repair

Is “credit repair” possible? I have no idea at least before I encounter this interesting site who claim that they can do so call “repair credit”. Pretty amazing huh… Anyway, after a little bit of research, I also start to realize that there are so many companies keeping incorrect or absolutely wrong credit report of us. Feel unfair, right? But then what? Can we sue them? I think the answer is yes with the provision that you have the good credit record to subscribe a phone line, to get a car running around and getting the evidence, and most importantly to get a lawyer… However, all of us know that this have to come with a “clean credit”. So, there are these guys who come in and found this called RMCN in Texas to do the credit repair. Damn, I never think through it earlier. =) Anyway, it looks like they are pretty successfully with tons of positive feedback and testimonials. So, next time if you have any problem with your credit record, they might be a good helper. But, let’s hope we won’t go to that situation in the first place. =)

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

HTC announces HTC Touch Pro

You might know it as the HTC Raphael, but from now on, it’s official, and officially the Touch Pro. More or a less a slide-out QWERTY version of the HTC Touch Diamond, the Touch Pro improves on some of the Touch Diamond’s specs. Here we’ll find a 1350mAh battery with up to 8 hours of talk time, 3.2 megapixel autofocus camera, GPS, HSDPA 7.2 and HSUPA connectivity. Sadly, it’s not a quad-band EDGE or tri-band UMTS device, with North American versions coming “later in the year.” Hit the jump for the full specs on the Touch Pro and a couple images.

Full Specification:
* Size: 102 x 51 x 18.05mm
* Weight: 165 g
* Connectivity: WCDMA / HSPA: 900/2100MHz. HSDPA 7.2 Mbps and HSUPA
* Operating system: Windows Mobile® 6.1 Professional
* Display: 2.8-inch VGA touch screen
* Camera: 3.2MP, with video calling
* Internal memory: 512 MB flash, 288 MB RAM
* Expansion Slot: microSD™ memory card (SD 2.0 compatible)
* Keyboard: Slide-out 5 row QWERTY keyboard
* Bluetooth: 2.0 with EDR
* Wireless: WiFi 802.11b/g
* Interface: HTC ExtUSB (mini-USB and audio jack in one; USB 2.0 High-Speed)
* Battery: 1350 mAh
* Talk time: GSM: up to 8 hours
* Standby time: GSM: up to two-weeks
* Chipset: Qualcomm MSM 7201A 528MHz


酷評:I like it when things go "PRO". but seriously, 2.8 inch is not that pro, right? and the 8 hours talking time? for a 3G phone? anyway, it is indeed a much better phone for me as comparing to the previous diamond.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008





酷評:something for laugh, good laugh, hahaha...

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

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Qualcomm lets the Windows Mobile 7 cat out of the bag along with $299 mini laptop

As if things weren't confusing enough in the world of tiny computers, Qualcomm went and blurted off news about a $299 machine that will run Windows Mobile 7 on its Snapdragon mobile chip set. Qualcomm's senior veep Luis Pineda boasted that the machine will run WinMo7 and is more efficient than its competitors from the likes of Intel, AMD, and Via. When pressed, he wouldn't give up any additional hardware specs, but he promises a "big presence in Snapdragon-based devices at CES 2009". This isn't the first time we've seen mention of Windows Mobile 7, but it's quite possibly the first tie-in with a specific product group. We look forward to the Snapdragon-Intel-AMD-Via mobile computing war in the coming year, indeed.


酷評:now how to categorize this? computer or mobile phone? anyway, good for me as the more confusing they are, the better product i am likely to get. =)

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Willcom 03 smartphone by Shape | Sharp推出Willcom 03智慧手機

又看到了一款非常強悍的智慧手機Willcom 03,擁有1 SEG行動電視接收功能,採用了3吋的800×480的觸控式螢幕,Windows Mobile 6.1 操作系統,內建了WIFI和藍牙功能,擁有256MB的記憶體,支援microSD擴充,一個200萬像素的視訊,支援PHS網路(意味著GSM不能用)下的W-OAM方式通信,擁有AV影片輸出端子,重135克;標準電池可以完成6小時通話或420小時待機續航,比較特別的是手機按鍵能夠根據需要顯示不同狀態,方便地在導航和數字鍵盤之間隨意切換,支援觸控操作。



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