
Friday, June 27, 2008

SVTC launches solar R&D center in Silicon Valley

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Expanding its wings in new markets, R&D foundry upstart SVTC Technologies Inc. has launched a solar-cell development center in Silicon Valley.

As part of the move, SVTC has signed a collaboration agreement with solar equipment manufacturer Roth & Rau AG of Germany. Under the agreement, Roth & Rau will provide a complete silicon wafer solar cell development and manufacturing line for SVTC of San Jose.

SVTC has also announced one of its first customers for the solar-cell center, dubbed the Silicon Valley Photovoltaic Development Center. China's JA Solar will use the center to develop new products for the solar market.

Corporate investment is estimated at $20 million to $30 million for the center. To help the center to acquire needed industrial and manufacturing capital equipment, the San Jose Redevelopment Agency is investing $100,000. Additionally, the California Employment Training Panel Fund is investing $100,000 to facilitate training for employees of the Silicon Valley Photovoltaic Development Center.

At one time, SVTC was owned and operated by Cypress Semiconductor Corp. as a "lab-to-fab" facility aimed at third-party engineering groups. Over the years, the business grew to serve dozens of customers, ranging from startups to large fabless semiconductor companies.

Last year, Cypress sold its R&D fab unit to private-equity firms Oak Hill Capital Partners and Tallwood Venture Capital for approximately $53 million. As part of the transaction, Cypress transferred the equipment, process technologies and personnel associated with its SVTC business to the buyer. Cypress remains a customer.

Under its new owners, SVTC continues to work with both large and small companies to bring technologies from the lab to the fab, said David Bergeron, chief executive of SVTC. ''SVTC is a technology services company aimed at commerialization,'' he told EE Times.

Now, the company has expanded its efforts in solar. SVTC's Silicon Valley Photovoltaic Development Center will provide the solar industry with the infrastructure -- including development equipment, support and engineering services -- required to commercialize solar cells. ''This is a natural extension into photovoltaics of our core business in the semiconductor industry,'' Bergeron said.

Like the semiconductor side of the business, SVTC will work with both large and small solar-cell vendors, said Kurt Laetz, SVTC's solar program manager. The SVTC will enable companies to ''prove their technologies'' in the lab, enabling them to move into production, said Scott Marquardt, vice president of sales, marketing and strategic business development for SVTC.

The Silicon Valley Photovoltaic Development Center is located in an 87,000-square-foot facility in San Jose. The center will provide shared access to equipment and services. The first products are expected to move into production by September of this year, Marquardt said.

出處/From:[EE Times]

酷評:最近经常关注这方面的消息,不过这方面的消息也确实不少,比如之前的ibm和intel,看来solar cell industry因该不是什么空穴来风,而是却有发展前景滴!

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