
Saturday, June 7, 2008

New 64GB flash memory from Microdia

Flash memory cards are going to be a big hit at this year's PMA event. A multitude of smaller no- name and established big name manufacturers are putting their reputations on the line with flash memory cards that are aiming to be the fastest, the biggest and the best for your portable device.

Of course, whilst everyone is claiming to be the best in market with their flash cards, we found one company that was willing to go on record by claiming to have the first 64GB flash card in the world – and it's ready for market in Australia.

The Microdia 64GB XTRA ELITE CF (compact flash card) has some impressive specs for their world beating card, including sustained read and write speeds of 300x or 45MB/second. That's going to be great for photo enthusiasts who are looking for high burst rates. With that kind of storage, Microdia say that you can expect each card "to hold around 19000 high resolution (JPG) images".

出處/From:[PC Authority]

酷評:記得第一塊硬盤還沒1G,記得第一塊顯卡顯存還沒1M,現在一個CF card都64G了...不是我不明白,這個世界變得快...

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